Designed to keep cost low with effective coverage. With an assortment of plans, we will tailor a plan to your needs and budget.

Plans designed for groups and companies with as few as 2 employees and up to 500 employees. We empower your employees and provide them with comprehensive, flexible benefits packages and opportunities. Each plan is an individually tailored health insurance protection and benefits.



Benefits for the company has to be appealing to all, especially the owner. Here are a few key features for employers to consider:

  • Keep turn over low by providing benefits

  • Cost effective

  • Tax write-offs for the company



Employees are key to a company running smoothly and their good health is needed and with a great plan it can be very accommodating, like:

  • PPO/PHCS Network

  • Nation-wide coverage 

  • On-Call Doctors 24/7

  • Disability benefits


These plans are designed to be a little more sophisticated for big groups and companies with a size range of 10 - 250 Employees. These plans can be designed in a way to where through tax dollars, employers can keep their health insurance & employee benefits cost as low as $0. 

section 125 cafeteria Plans for GROUP INSURANCE & CORPORATIONS

How are we able to save you 40-60% on health insurance?

In the medical industry pricing has ALWAYS been an issue.

Through our PHCS | MULTIPLAN PPO Network, we are able to control these prices through a revolutionary process of re-pricing a medical bill. We use fee schedules (pricing) similar to Medicare (Health Plan for those over 65 from the Government), that allow us to pass on the savings to the consumer, making this a more affordable health care plan.